Eggs and Larvae

Eggs and Larvae database

The Eggs and Larvae data portal web services provide the ability to search and retrieve data from database by providing access to the data.

Each part of the web services is provided by a web service API, which defines the name, input to, and output from the service for a particular request.

This page lists all the Eggs and Larvae web service APIs with a description that includes the information provided by the API, the input needed to get data from the API, and the data that is returned by the API.

The following web service APIs are provided:

Name getEggsAndLarvaeDataSummary
Description Returns the summary, number of eggs found in the data base per stage, survey, year, month and species.
All input is optional. The input can be one or the these five strings.
Month and/or Year and/or Species and/or Survey and/or Stage .
If there are no matches, an empty result set will be returned.
Example Example to get the summary for the year of 1991
Name getEggsAndLarvaeData
Description In this webservice the user can get the eggs and larvae records found in the data base (in extended format).
All input is optional. The input can be one or the these five strings.
Month and/or Year and/or Species and/or Survey and/or Stage .
If there are no matches, an empty result set will be returned.
Example Example to get the data for the year of 1956
Name getEggsAndLarvaeDataEH
Description In this webservice, the EH record for the Eggs and Larvae records submited after 2018 (not in the historical dataset).
All input is optional. The input can be one or the these fields.
YearBegining, YearEnd, Month, Species, Survey, Ship, Gear and Stage .
If there are no matches, an empty result set will be returned.
Example Example to get the data from 2018
Name getEggsAndLarvaeDataEM
Description In this webservice, user can get the EH record for the Eggs and Larvae records submited after 2018 (not in the historical dataset)..

All input is optional. The input can be one or the these fields.
YearBegining, YearEnd, Month, Species, Survey, Ship, Gear and Stage .
If there are no matches, an empty result set will be returned.
Example Example to get the data from 2018