Eggs and Larvae

Eggs and larvae > Inventory of Data

On this page you can filter and download ICES eggs and larvae data. Data are also available through web services.
You can see an inventory of the eggs and larvae database:

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Year Month Country Institute Survey Species Stage No. Measurements Format type
2004 3 I1932 Melanogrammus aeglefinus EL-EG_4 710 Historical data
2004 5 IE I4189 Trachurus trachurus EG 35 Historical data
2004 1 I1932 Triglidae EL-EG_1A 5 Historical data
2004 4 I8486 Clupea harengus LV 35 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Chirolophis ascanii LV 3 Historical data
2004 12 I2687 Clupea harengus LV 1520 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Solea solea EL-EG_1A 1 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus LV 1 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Merlangius merlangus EL-EG_5 114 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Nephrops norvegicus EL-LV_1 11 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Zeugopterus punctatus EL-EG_U 1 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Unidentified spp EL-EG_1B 737 Historical data
2004 8 I5370 Nerophis ophidion LV 12 Historical data
2004 1 I1932 Gadus morhua EL-EG_4 9 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Pleuronectes platessa EL-EG_5 580 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Gadus morhua EL-EG_5 159 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Pleuronectes platessa LV 19 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Solea solea EL-EG_1B 2 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Pleuronectidae EL-EG_3 24 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Gaidropsarus EL-EG_2 10 Historical data
2004 1 I1932 Triglidae EL-EG_2 30 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Gobiidae JV 3 Historical data
2004 5 GB-ENG I4189 Scomber scombrus EG 259 Historical data
2004 6 I4189 Scomber scombrus EL-EG_3 175 Historical data
2004 1 I4189 Scomber EL-EG_3 1 Historical data
2004 4 DE I4189 Trachurus trachurus EG 132 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Pleuronectidae LV 1 Historical data
2004 4 I1932 Sprattus sprattus EL-EG_3 28 Historical data
2004 8 I5370 Pomatoschistus LV 12 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Gaidropsarus EL-EG_U 24 Historical data
2004 1 I1932 Gadus morhua EL-EG_1A 25 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Melanogrammus aeglefinus EL-EG_1A 654 Historical data
2004 8 I5370 Percidae LV 12 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Merlangius merlangus EL-EG_1A 311 Historical data
2004 3 ES I4189 Trachurus trachurus EG 147 Historical data
2004 9 I9086 Clupea harengus LV 4320 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Argentina silus LV 4 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Unidentified spp LV 145 Historical data
2004 1 I1932 Solea solea EL-EG_3 6 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Pleuronectes platessa EL-EG_3 604 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Solea solea EL-EG_2 1 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Gaidropsarus EL-EG_2 22 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Pleuronectes platessa JV 1 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Unidentified spp EL-EG_U 5109 Historical data
2004 4 GB-ENG I4189 Trachurus trachurus EG 39 Historical data
2004 3 I1932 Melanogrammus aeglefinus EL-EG_3 700 Historical data
2004 3 I4189 Scomber EL-EG_2 10 Historical data
2004 2 I1932 Hippoglossoides platessoides LV 1 Historical data
2004 4 I4189 Trachurus trachurus EL-EG_3 174 Historical data
2004 2 I4189 Trachurus trachurus EL-EG_2 10 Historical data
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